
TITAN’s Masterclasses for conducting business in China are ideal for professionals and teams who endeavor to build more successful business relationships with Chinese colleagues, suppliers, clients, and gain cultural awareness.

Masterclasses China will provide you with the tools to maximize the competitive advantage of doing business in China through a combination of in-depth background information and hands-on practical tips and solutions.

The most populated country in the world, China continues to see foreign businesses race to invest in its increasingly prosperous companies and industries. A country of unique etiquette and ceremonies, understanding Chinese business, culture and ethics is paramount for any organization wanting to conduct business in today’s progressive China.

Accelerate your business

Masterclasses are taught by experienced expats that own businesses in Asia with a focus on China and by local successful business leaders that are international entrepreneur adventurers.

Course Requirement

General business knowledge. Though course can adjust to the level of knowledge of delegates, it is recommended that people participating in the course have any exposure to business either as managers or business owners.

Course Benefits

  • A clear understanding of the key drivers that motivate your Chinese business counterparts
  • A comprehensive framework for understanding Chinese business and culture
  • Practical strategies for doing business with Chinese counterparts more effectively
  • A better understanding of the challenges of establishing or doing business in China
  • Greater ability to establish successful relationships with your Chinese colleagues, clients and suppliers


Chinese Business Culture & Etiquette

Chinese culture: Historical and political overview, religion, language, beliefs and customs. Get a deeper insight into cultural values and attitudes in the workplace, management and working styles, business communication and negotiation styles, challenges and solutions for doing business in China.

China’s Social Media Insights & KOL’s

Understanding the fundamental differences between Western style of social media and Chinese style. Discussion about KOL’s, micro KOL’s we have within our network, and how fast the messaging spread over China’s media channels. Case studies of foreign companies missing the target and the repercussions.

How to write a Chinese Investor Deck

Chinese investors are very different on how the information needs to be presented as well as the investment return timetable is considerably shorter than Western expectations. We will guild you through the process on imagery, text, translation, and evaluation.

Brand Development & Positioning

Brand positioning, the image of the brand within the consumer’s mind, is no longer a fixed, static concept. Instead, it is becoming increasingly dynamic and often changes according to specific consumer experiences. We will demonstrate how to build and strengthen brands through culturally relevant actions.

Sourcing & Quality Management

We will review the key points to sourcing and quality management. How to assess supplier’s responsiveness, attention to detail, clarity of communication and ensure suppliers don’t make assumptions. Product samples, facility audits, setting clear expectations and requirements, detailed PO’s, and conduction product inspections are some of the other aspects we will cover.

Patents, Copyrights & Legal Agreements

China’s filing and laws for trademarks, copyrights, patents — has grown exponentially in recent years, spurred by technology and a global economy. We will review case studies of past and current litigation of how China has improved greatly. Our in-house law firm with discuss how the process works and you will be able to ask questions related to your idea or business.

E-Commerce in China

China’s e-commerce is on a completely different level than Western e-com. We will focus on sales and customer-focused e-commerce management training program will also help you plan and implement a powerful online store to sell your products and services effectively on several different platforms.

How to Start/Setup a Business in China

Conducting business in China can be a daunting task, if you are an entrepreneur and you are thinking of setting up a business in China then this class is designed for you to discuss your options. We will explain the positive and negatives for setting up a company in Hong Kong versus Mainland China. The class covers company, registration, visa sponsorship, banking setup, and accounting overview.

China Accounting & Taxes

Course offers a comprehensive overview of the major taxes foreign investors are likely to encounter when establishing or operating a business in China, as well as other tax-relevant obligations. Part of the class time will have Q & A time with our accounting firm to deeper explanations.

HR Management & Retention

One of the biggest HR challenges in China is high turnover rates, it is the leading HR issue in China, at 19% their employee retention rate is among the worst in Asia. We will discuss the elements that contribute to turnover cost, like recruitment agency fees, interviewing time, and loss of sales while positions remain unfilled. Our HR manager will have a Q & A session about best practices and the pitfalls.

China New Retail & Pop-Solutions

China is the top world’s largest retail market. We will discuss about the development status of consumers and the new forms of demands, digitalized channel and socialized online shopping to offline. The New Retail change to display and fulfillment centers and limited employees due to automation of POS by mobile. How to create a successful Pop-up store and what are the next steps.

Learn about our Cross-border Bootcamp

Immerse yourself in a 5-day rapid-acceleration across multiple cities in Fujian China, giving you and your team the chance to interact with investors, government officials, and senior executives from leading companies relevant to your industry.